
wolfpair1      desert sands      wolfpair2

hot, soft winds blow over the desert,
calling to many to come home.

the sands of the desert
are nothing like the beach
irreplaceable when searching,
that one place needed to bring balance,
harmony back to a life torn apart,
a life full of sorrow, full of emptiness.

hot, soft winds blow over the desert,
calling to many to come home.

to some the ocean brings this harmony --
the rising, crashing crescendo of the waves,
and the disarming squawks of the seagulls,
providing for them the environment to reflect.
but the desert brings something very different,
that which is sought by a special few, total solitude.

hot, soft winds blow over the desert,
calling to many to come home.

feeling the heat emanate from these sands
waves of heat pouring through the body,
while the soft, hot winds blow,
they send their message, calling all
to return to this place for needed balance,
needed harmony, to a place untouched by time.

and the hot, soft winds blow over the desert,
calling to many to come home.

the call of the desert is strong
to those who know it well --
those who are connected to it.
it courses through their veins,
pumping the lifeblood
through their bodies.

and hot, soft winds blow over the desert,
calling to many to come home.

so she races to this place,
driving many miles to reach it,
following the windy dirt road.
many, many times has she gone here
on the blue highways in her mind,
always returning to Fish Creek.

hot, soft winds blow over the desert,
calling to many to come home.

the call to her is strong.
always has it been, always will it be,
whether it be in her waking hours
or those of deep sleep, when it comes,
always beckoning to her, calling her back home.
here her spirit can seek needed renewal.

so the hot, soft winds blow over the desert,
calling to her to come home.

many things drive her to go there
though one eats at them continuously,
bringing confusion, and a need to escape,
yet a longing, one that cannot be defined.
why this happens is not understood
but the desert's pull is strongest then.

hot, soft winds blow over the desert,
calling to her to come home.

what is it about this desert,
the only one which calls to her?
it is in her blood as is something else.
she must go to continue
never to be separated from it
for without it she would die.

hot, soft winds blow over the desert,
calling to her to come home.

here her raging emotions are met
with the solace, the peace of the desert,
not just any desert but that of Arizona,
a wilderness area that must be preserved.
so much goes on here since she left
that slowly it destroys them.

hot, soft winds blow over the desert,
calling to those to come home.

water supplies are drying up for the Dine'
because that evil monster peabody
continues to strip mine Black Mesa.
slurries continue to drain pristine water,
much needed by many to survive.
prayers are offered in the four directions.

hot, soft winds blow over the desert,
calling to her to come home.

though this is far to the north of her destination,
still it pulls at her as the golden eagle flies,
almost causing a change in her direction.
but something else has called her here,
far to the south, a place always a part of her,
Fish Creek Canyon, the Superstitions.

hot, soft winds blow over the desert,
calling to those to come home.

this place feels sacred, sacred to her,
a place to disappear, to lose herself,
to break away from all distractions,
going deep into the canyon,
following the dry riverbed ,
lined sporadically with mesquite.

hot, soft winds blow over the desert,
calling to those to come home.

ominous, black clouds gather in the sky,
choking off the light from the sun,
the air heavy with the promise of rain,
flashes of lightening in the distance
closely matching the black mood within,
that brought on by deep thought.

hot, soft winds blow over the desert,
calling to those to come home.

rumbling is soon heard in the distance
as a hint of moisture begins to fall
quickly turning into a downpour as the sky cries
for all the pain that she feels, all the broken dreams,
for all the injustice against others, all the broken promises.
it is the storm which rages within.

yet hot, soft winds blow over the desert
calling her to come home.

the wolf is my messenger

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"We will be known by the tracks we leave behind."
Dakota Proverb

copyright © June 21, 2000, by louve14
revised 10 january 2005
all rights reserved