
grandfather, look at what they do.
how many more innocents
must pay with their lives?
my heart is sick
from all the senseless destruction,
from all the senseless loss of life,
for all the families who lost
one they dearly treasured.
will there ever be an end?

grandfather, look at what they do.
how can this continue
and others accept all that happens?
my heart is sick,
hearing of all the bombing,
listening to all the excuses,
watching all the hype
to continue all that they do.
will there ever be an end?

grandfather, look at what they do.
can you hear my prayers
to stop this needless violence?
my heart is sick,
filling with still more sadness,
bursting with fear in all this chaos
pulsing with all the turmoil
that continues to happen.
will there ever be an end?

grandfather, look at what they do.
the endless bombs drop
with no clear end in sight.
my heart is sick,
knowing this is wrong,
fearing for Mother Earth,
wondering what will be left
for the seventh generation.
will there ever be an end?

grandfather, look at what they do.
they call this right
because of the food drops.
still my heart is sick,
overflowing with confusion,
crying for each new life lost,
knowing that no matter what they say,
more violence is not the answer.
will there ever be an end?

grandfather, look at what they do.
show them, grandfather,
the right path to follow.
heal my heart and that of others,
showing them your presence,
teaching them there can be no war,
spreading the feeling of needed peace,
here and everywhere for everyone.
please bring an end to this madness.

grandfather, look at what they do.
hear me, grandfather.
listen to my prayers.
make our hearts well,
bringing healing for all all over,
protecting our precious Mother Earth,
sheltering those who will come after us,
surround this world with your wisdom,
and bring peace back into our lives.

the wolf is my messenger

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"We will be known by the tracks
we leave behind."

Dakota Proverb

copyright © 9 October 2001, by louve14
revised 14 january 2004
all rights reserved

please do not copy without permission