wolf pair     We are Diné      wolf pair

We are Diné,
traditional people,
dwellers on Black Mesa.

Leave our homes you say?
This can never be.
We are one here,
together in our mindset.
This is our land,
the land of our ancestors.

We are Diné,
traditional people,
dwellers on Black Mesa.

Why impound our animals?
What accommodation agreement?
Because we do not sign
you take them from us?
But you do not care for our animals
Look! You only abuse them.

We are Diné,
traditional people,
dwellers on Black Mesa.

Who are you really, BIA?
Do you really care for your peoples?
Or do you only care about yourselves?
How can you do this to us?
You are the Beast in America.
You do not live the Native way.

We are Diné,
traditional people,
dwellers on Black Mesa.

What would happen if we signed?
We would be tenants on our own land.
We would have no civil rights.
It would be as if we were not there.
There is no land dispute.
This there never was.

We are Diné,
traditional people,
dwellers on Black Mesa.

Who is this Peabody Coal?
What are they doing to our land?
Strip mine they say?
Rip the low sulfur coal
from Mother Earth's belly?
Ravage our Mother?

We are Diné,
traditional people,
dwellers on Black Mesa.

We cry for our animals.
We cry when we see what you have done to them.
How can you treat them like this?
We cry for Mother Earth.
We cry for what they have done to Her.
How can they treat Her in this way?

We are Diné
traditional people,
dwellers on Black Mesa.

Who is this Senator McCain?
He says he is our friend,
yet he acts like our enemy.
He introduces these laws
that challenge our existence here.
Yet he washes his hands of his actions.
But still he says he is our friend.

We are the Diné,
traditional people,
dwellers on Black Mesa.

The day is fast coming,
the day when they say we must leave.
But our grandparents lived here,
And our great grandparents lived here.
How can we leave this place,
the only one we have known?

We are Diné,
traditional people,
dwellers on Black Mesa.

What has happened to those who left us?
They have faced many problems,
living a way they did not know,
suffering from alcoholism and suicide.
Will we be like them?
Will we also perish?

We are Diné,
traditional people,
dwellers on Black Mesa.

How will we live if we leave?
What will happen to us?
What if the others do not understand us?
What if we do not understand the others?
We are Elders.
Why make us change now?

We are Diné,
traditional people,
dwellers on Black Mesa.

We pray to Creator.
We ask Creator to help us.
We know Creator will help us.
Here our ancestors have lived.
We cannot - will not - leave.
We are the caretakers of this land.

We are Diné,
traditional people,
dwellers on Black Mesa.

There are many coming to help us.
We have brothers coming from all over.
We have sisters coming from all over.
They come from across this place called America.
They come from countries across the place called Europe.
Together we will stand strong.

We are Diné,
traditional people,
dwellers on Black Mesa.

Can you not hear us?

running gray wolf

the wolf is my messenger

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"We will be known by the tracks we
leave behind."
Dakota Proverb

copyright © January 6, 2000, by Louve 14
last revised 19 february 2005

all rights reserved