the heart is crying    

the heart is crying.
the spirit is crying,
watching a land
torn apart by greed,
watching it change,
         dry up.

the heart is crying.
the spirit is crying.
in constant turmoil
are the eyes
which struggle to see
         the land being destroyed.

the heart is crying.
the spirit is crying,
watching Mother Earth
being torn apart
with no regard,
         no thought of the consequences.

the heart is crying.
the spirit is crying.
wanting to protect
all that is sacred,
the land so abused,
         by those who see only green.

the heart is crying.
the spirit is crying,
listening to the lies
of those who want more,
who will stop at nothing
         no matter who suffers.

the heart is crying.
the spirit is crying.
water becomes scarce
as the wells are capped,
this done for one reason only,
         to drive the People from the land.

the heart is crying.
the spirit is crying.
jail cells filled
with the innocent,
those who sought to pray
         ripped away from sacred ceremony.

the heart is crying.
the spirit is crying.
they continue to usurp,
wanting to control everything,
every square inch of the land
         to fill the pockets of some.

the heart is crying.
the spirit is crying,
praying for a time
to return to the right way,
one which seems to be lost,
         but some haven't forgotten.

the heart is crying.
the spirit is crying,
tears constantly flowing,
enough to fill a river
as the land changes,
         turns brown.

the heart is crying,
the spirit is crying,
no one is safe,
not even the elders.
disrespect is rampant,
         but prayers continue.

the heart is crying.
the spirit is crying,
as the injustice continues,
attacking the innocent,
leaving a trail
         of sadness.

the heart is crying,
the spirit is crying,
wondering when others
will remove those blinders
and see things for what they are,
         the madness that envelopes.

the heart is crying
the spirit is crying
as they continue in their lust
more coal, more water
and deny any harm
         to the land or the water

the heart is crying.
the spirit is crying.
and now this is joined
as Mother Earth cries
while they rip out her liver,
         changing her forever.

the heart is crying.
the spirit is crying.
wonder is there
at what will be left here.
Mother Earth cries, too,
         for the seventh generation.

the wolf is my messenger

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"We will be known by the tracks
we leave behind."

Dakota Proverb

copyright © July 31, 2001, by louve14
revised 11 september 2004
all rights reserved